ueno showa copy

Bodybuilding Showa from Ueno

Another Azukari update, and another great result!!

This Showa was purchased on our Spring trip this year. Nisai and 66cm it had bags of potential.

Pictured below in April, we could see this koi had a fantastic frame in order to carry it's body weight as it grows. The Sumi quality is really special on this koi and has developed extremely well over the summer period.

Now Sansai, this Showa has reached a whopping 72cm! Hiroki Ueno of Ueno Koi Farm is confident this will reach 80cm within 12 months.

Not only has this Showa grown nicely, the body shape has greatly improved. Now it's packing some real weight and it's becoming very imposing.

We have great confidence in Ueno-sans ability to grow impressive Showa's, see my recent blog update about our newly acquired Nisai. Big things are on their way!

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