The Red and White Day
Along with our Non Go Sanke purchases, it was time to dive deep into a sea of red and white. First up Nogami Koi Farm, great personality that loves a laugh, after much deliberation we have left 3 koi with Nogami-San, 2 of which are female that will be staying as Azukari next year, then one superb Kohaku that Nogami-San was 50/50 on the gender. Come Spring we'll know if is definitely female or not. Nogami has a lovely facility, with a good sized "finishing" pond used for koi that are going to koi shows. He had recently won Grand Champion with a Kohaku at the Nagaoka Koi Show.
Carrying on our red and white theme for the day it was off to Kansuke, a relatively unknown breeder in the UK, but WOW can he produce some beauties. A pond FULL of Kohakus, all in great condition, skin was gleaming, with great body shapes. We picked up on Koi from here, again to leave as Azukari. Kansuke-san really does look after his koi, everything is done with precision and care.